
Our family.
Tuesday, July 10, 2012
finally...the pool
Eric has soooo many projects on the go. He's always needing something and then he moves on. Or the weather is horrible so he moves in. Or Jia is sick and he does nothing. Or the girls have school stuff and he does nothing. It rains and he moves back in. There is a bit of sun so he races out to mow the lawn. He's in town so he picks up stuff at the hardware store but it's time to cook dinner by the time he gets home. Seriously, I have no idea how he gets half of what he does done. The girls and I have been after him to get the new pool up. Of course we had no idea what was involved. He had a couple nice days so had to take out the sod and then load in four loads of sand and then compact it all down. Took two full days to get the ground ready. Saturday he power washed all the parts and put the base ring together. Monday his friend Bill came over and they rolled out the wall, layed the styrofoam in the bottom and made a sloped edge so the pool cleaner can move up the walls. The foam was all held together with duct tape. He used over 600 feet of duct tape. It was schorching hot and the guys took a break at 2 and decided to get to it after dinner. They finished getting the pool and liner put together late last night. Phew. Way bigger project than I remember on the last two pools we put in. It's ready for water next.