
Our family.

Thursday, July 19, 2012

Leaving tomorrow

Lili and I are packed and ready to go.  It's an incredible amount of work to travel anywhere, even more so to China.  Phew. 

I'm excited about embarking on an incredible adventure with one of my favorite kids and at the same time really struggling with leaving my other two favorite kids.  I'm expecting tears at our goodbyes in the morning, mostly by me of course.

I'm other news, Fei gets her phone back tomorrow after they drop Lili and I at the ferry.  Fei is all packed for camp.  She packed more than Lili did.  So cute.  I only saw one dress get packed but I'm guessing there are more in that jamb packed suitcase.  Can't believe she's going to her first sleep away camp and I won't be there to settle her in.  Eric can't, no men in the girls cabins.

So, fingers crossed for internet that works, vpn that connects and enough time at the end of the day to blog.  Will keep you as posted as we can.