
Our family.

Monday, March 2, 2020


We've been in our house for 16 years.  Eric and I just bought curtains for our bedroom.  Haha.  We've just carried on with the 1940 blinds that were in there.  That are very difficult to open and close. On Saturday I was in our room sorting laundry and wishing I could have the sunny day in there with me.  So we finally did something about it.  Yay us.  Then Eric got involved and moving things. Our bed has never moved.  I don't always do well with change.  He managed to get my green couch set up in there!  So my immediate response was to do a happy dance that included squealing.  Then last night Jia and I tried settling in.  Hallway light too bright.  Phone cord won't reach.  Lamp not plugged in.  Sasha needed another step stool.  Growing pains.  But worst of all, Esmei is visually depressed.  We have devastated her.  She ended up perched on the foot of the bed and she had me awake many times through the night.  
Didn't get pictures of anything moved.  It was too exciting.  Plus when Eric called Mom and I to come and see I was covered in dough, making pasta for lunch.
Calling her owl now.
Road trip!!  Lili's LAST spring break.  Crazy. I got the littles and I packed.  Eric did his own.  He also put suitcases outside of the teenagers rooms and they disappeared inside so they both know they need to pack.  I imagine they'll just pop out with them Saturday morning when we're ready to leave ;)  We sort of wanted to just take off and not plan anything but honestly that doesn't realistically work as well with kids as it did for us pre-kids.  I found flights to LA and Las Vegas on sale for under $1000 for the whole family.  Eric isn't keen on flying.  I thought maybe Calgary to go walk with the penguins but snow on roads still.  Then we joked about taking off to Reno just the two of us for gnocchi at La Strada.  And a road trip evolved.  I'm having a hard time accepting that we aren't using this time to get somewhere warm.  The littles haven't seen the Grand Canyon yet.  However, we will get to sleep in daily.  Spend quality time together.  Find fabulous food.  Generally just slow it down. We're going to Klamath Falls for the first night and visiting the lava caves in the morning.  Our rooms were hotwired for $35cdn each in Reno so that was a huge bonus.  There is a 67000 square foot Children's science museum there and an animal reserve to check out.  Virginia City, our happy place and a candy factory to visit in Silver City. Hoping for a hike in the desert. Weather permitting possibly some time in Tahoe.  And of course a visit to Circus Circus with the kids to play games.  We'll find fun.  
Ready to go home from work and couldn't find Sasha who is usually in her little bed.  
Last weekend when we were chair hunting we found two pink couches at the restore.  They are from as estate sale and have been marked down a lot.  Because they're pink.  I fell in love with them, because they're pink.  I brought them up a couple times. Eric loves me a lot so he went back in and got them for me.  He was ribbed a good amount about them.  The staff actually asked what kind of room he could possibly put them in.  Haha.  Perfect for his wife's private sitting room!  Stealing the pink rocking chair from Jia's room and the little pink recliner for Esmei.  I will be calling the room 'the pink room'.  Which is why I no longer needed to keep the funky green couch which started the whole effort to figure out what to do with the green one.  

Time to quit playing.  Buckle down and get the house ready for Jessica.  Also...Lili's 18th Birthday on Friday.  What?! Crazy.  So throwing a party before we leave.
Fei just got home from school and sent me this.  The girls enjoying the new bedroom couch and the view :)