
Our family.

Tuesday, March 31, 2020


Chef Luk, learning some basic kitchen skills.
The new glasses arrived in the mail.  He still loves the leap pad reading.  
My old school dictionary.  I still use it at work.  I brought it home and she had no idea why she should bother since she can just ask Alexa or use her phone.  Because darling...this is Mama School where I don't care what you learn so long as it's learning and you can't be hurt by learning some history and before the internet we used a thing called a dictionary.  Haha.  She found her six words.  

We heard from Jia's teacher yesterday and she is gearing up for online learning.  For starters Jia logged into her fresh grade and wrote back to her teacher.  We have one old dysfunctional and slow computer at home so hoping they can work on their tablets.  My laptop died years ago and I didn't bother replacing it.  Prefer my phone. Curious to see what plans they could possibly have for Kai.  
Lili's boxspring arrived...wild...had no clue you could build one yourself!  Update, Eric said there were a hundred peices in there with a fabric cover once it was built.  We had NO clue. canoe for Luk who uses the old one to lay in watching tv.