
Our family.

Friday, March 6, 2020

Happy 18th Birthday Lili!

Big secret...we have a safe.  Mostly for the not so replaceable adoption paperwork.  Lili knows where the key is.  She was cleaning her room for Jessica and wanted to put her tip money in the safe versus leaving it in her room.  By no means do we think Jessica would take it.  We have tried teaching the kids about keeping money more discreetly than laying about.  So, since she was going in the safe I asked her to get the passports and U.S. funds left from our last trip out for me.  Ya'll I don't know what happened up there but our little girl smashed that safe.  Totally broke the lid right off the hinge.  Shattering the back corner.  What?!  How is that possible?!  We can not imagine.  I cannot lift the thing. 

Eric went out yesterday to replace it.  Right when we're trying to get organized for a road trip and Lili's party is the next day.  Oy.  They're pricey.  In the end we bought one for Lili as a gift and Eric monkeyed ours with a locking cable.  Ours was always more about fire protection than theft so I'm not really sure why we bother locking it.  Honestly folks there is no big cash amounts, gems or jewels.  Seriously fun stuff like the kids fingerprints, wills and citizenship certificates.  
This morning we gifted a new safe to her and a bag of all of her paperwork.  She also got her jade from me.  She'd like to wear it but is too scared she'll break it.  I'd like to reassure her it's rock and pretty sturdy but she did break the one she had within  a week of getting it when she was 10.  I keep thinking I'll feel sad about her getting older and that I'll miss the bangle but so far so good.  Just happy to watch her moving into new phases.