
Our family.

Friday, March 20, 2020

Eric Update

So most of you know Eric is continually asking me to slow down.  He often doesn't join us.  We invite him to everything.  Bonus when he comes.  He isn't thrilled with visiting parks and playgrounds and little nature walks and little outings just to fill the day.  He isn't fond of movie theatres or local cheesy entertainment and shopping isn't always fun for him.  He often joins mostly because food is involved.  Haha.

He also doesn't love how busy the kids are and wants them to have more time to actually get bored.  To have lazy days.

He is in a perpetual loop of too much to do and not enough time because he's always driving someone somewhere for something.  

So, ya, he's not struggling through the new reality.  He's been working in my sitting room this week. He also thinks we're the only people around to build a cat room.  I assured him we're not the only ones.  With a separate entrance to the little outside deck and a little kitchen put in the new room it's just a few seconds from being a rentable apartment.  Which we're not doing but it's a possibility and possibilities are good.