
Our family.

Sunday, May 21, 2023

Dry Gultch Trails

I love this picture.
We're realizing that without glasses Kai's eyes are closed most of the time.  Maybe we didn't notice so much when they were on. He doesn't want to wear his glasses or sun glasses.  
Hiking some Dry Gultch trails.
Kai's eyes finally open.
They are both compliant.  They went hiking without complaint however they prefer this.  Sigh.  I can't imagine what would actually interest them in a day.  They rejected going back to the hot pools.  We offered fun golf.  They shrugged. We ARE going to Redstreak to look for the big horn sheep, they asked why.  
The solar lights aren't coming on in the umbrella.  Eric is trying to find out why.  He doesn't sit for long.  Today he took off the weather proof seal at the roof peak. He used rv glue and it didn't actually set so he redid it today with waterproof no more nails.  Now it can rain. I brought a Suduko puzzle book and he brought a caulking gun. Haha.  We're a good team.