
Our family.

Wednesday, May 17, 2023

You Guys!

I felt totally dwarfed. It's quite a bit bigger than I expected. Eric pulled it out and blew it up so we could see the size.  He won't put water in it until we get home.
Nice picture.  Not.  The roof needs a clean, the deck and furniture haven't had their summer clean and the cushions aren't out yet. 
It's comfy.  Can't wait for jets and always hot water.  
Eric already had giant posts and beams here and he beefed up the patio, just in case.  Knowing how Eric over builds, we could likely have elephants up here now.  He also installed an outside outlet.  Which we have always needed.  

We worked hard all day yesterday.  Right up until 10.  I was hurting.  The goal was to get as much done as possible so that today could be a little more relaxing and we'd have time for all the last minute things.

Yesterday all the laundry was done.  Put away and packed for the four of us.  We did back packs. We also meal planned, grocery shopped for the house/girls and Cheese and put it all away.  

We eat pretty fresh and make most things from scratch.  So we usually shop outside edge and it goes in the fridge.  For this trip we're eating mostly premade, pantry meals because we're in a cooler.  Canned fruit, meat and veges.  It was sort of fun coming up with easy ideas.  We're having Dorito Pie one night.  The boys are quite skeptical.  Basically a walking taco but we didn't think Kai could manage the chip bag, so same thing except in a bowl.  We even found fried rice in a can.  We're adding canned chicken and canned veges.  Omg. I'm pretty sure I need to go get a can opener for Cheese.  Update.  Nope, we didn't have one in there, Eric grabbed the moho one.  I need a list for remembering weird little things.

This morning Eric and I sorted and organized and got a weeks worth of food, drinks and supplies into the Cheese.  It really is staggering how much he can hold.  It's all ready for the roof to pop down.  Eric is foimg to town after the boys come home to top up the propane for Cheese and gas in the car. We leave at 6am.  Oh, and he's now installed locks on the propane bottles amd another one on the hitch.  These little light weight rv's are a high theft item.  We really should do a tire lock but I squawked at the price.  

I screwed up a bit of the plan. We're starting the trip with going to downtown Vancouver for Luk's orthotic appointment but it means dragging Cheese.  Lane changes and parking will be an issue.  Eric isn't fussed.  He says he'll just drive circles until Luk and I are done if need be.  

Hey, shout out to Luk.  This morning Eric was having a hard time getting up and when he finally did he grabbed a quick shower.  By the time he made it downstairs Luk had fully packed his and Kai's lunches.  Yay Luk.  Of course, once they show us they can do something it becomes something they have to continue.  Love it.
New goal for summer, this spot is in Port Alberni, I want to find it.  We're camping at Sproat Lake for our anniversary.