
Our family.

Tuesday, May 30, 2023

My therapy dog.

Sassy and I are resting in the sun. It's been a brutal day for me.

All tmi. Medical. Skip if you need to.

It turns out the type 2 diabetes I was diagnosed with at age 15 is likely/actually type 1.  Combination of things going on.  Birth defect, born prematurely, Chrones, colectomy likely affecting pancreas. Partial pancreas removal/damage.  Fertility drugs and prednisone and Chrones maintenance drugs all can cause metabolic changes.  All in the end to say I need insulin now.  Jardiance not working well enough so now adding Ozempic and moving onto using a Libre 2 glucose monitor.  It's all very overwhelming.  Not unexpected but overwhelming none the less.  As you can imagine, I'm super excited about wearing an attachment in my arm, taking tons of needles and wearing alert jewelry.  Not.  

I get to take lifestyle classes.  Fun.  The good news is I don't have any bad habits to change.  My diet was already pretty much where it needs to be.  I indicated not enough exercise but my very little is already way, way more than they have required.  Only 150 mins of movement a week.  

I was already super annoying about what I can/will eat.  It only gets worse moving forward.  

Then after all that fun news I went to see the gynecologist in person.  This is where the day got brutal.  She didn't want to wait for a surgery date so did a biopsy today. Yowzers.  The numbing needle was bad.  It didn't work so she stopped mid slice and gave another needle.  Felt that and then still felt it all.  In a very delicate spot.  It's been stinging ever since.  The bleeding hasn't stopped.  I'm definitely feeling sorry for myself.  Three weeks for results. Collective prayers for fibroids please.  I was shaking pretty violently on my way out.  I shouldn't have driven but I wanted home.  

My walk in Dr that is not my Dr keeps checking in.  He's calling tomorrow.  Love him.  The Endocrinologist was so shocked at how much I was dealing with and how complex they all are that she called a pharmacist into the one hour meeting to double check her approach.  He thinks the Ozempic might actually help the Short Bowel Syndrome so that was exciting to hear.  

So for now, no hot tub for a week or two.  No foreign water, so no kayaking at Sproat Lake. No soap and try to rest.  Haha. 

The boys iep meetings are tomorrow and I have another fasting test in the morning.  

The kids are all doing well today and dinner is in the oven.  Shepherds pie.  Comfort food.