
Our family.

Thursday, May 11, 2023


The boys and I lounged in the sun after school yesterday with cold rootbeer.  Eric gave Cheese a bath for the big road trip. 

I let Kai's teacher know we didn't know our plans for Luk's next Children's trip or if Kai would be with us or home with Eric.  His agenda came home saying they needed to know by Friday.  So we explained the beach day to Kai and he vehemently doesn't want to go.  So we declined.  It's an easy decision for us because we've taken him to the beach a lot.  He won't be missing out and we know he will be happier doing almost anything else.  But.  The school doesn't know how many fun things we do and it's clear they feel the boys are missing out when they don't do school things.  If any school folks are on here.  I ASSURE you the boys prefer real life to school anything and they definitely aren't missing out.
This good news happened yesterday.  It was announced yesterday that old town in the BC Museum isn't being dismantled after all.  Opening again July 29.  I did write a letter originally with all my displeasure at my history disappearing.  Whitewashing won't change the way things were.  The narrative needs to change so we learn and grow.  We can't change history.  And now, the special place I enjoyed as a kid and our kids loved is going to stay.  I can't wait to go back! Oh, and obviously my new letter writing campaign to complain about everything is helping.  Haha.
The old ship.  Where Eric and I had our 1st kiss.  Where the kids always make a big deal about getting us in there privately so we can kiss every time we go.  

I just finished watching Firefly Lane.  Omg.  I bawled through the last few episodes.  What a brutal watch.  If you're feeling like a good cry this is the one to watch.  

Another conversation here with Eric about what to do.  Kai is 1000% in the wrong spot/school.