
Our family.

Saturday, September 14, 2024

Cowichan Exhibition


I read online that there was a food truck with deep fried Snickers bars.  Lili and I wanted one.

We haven't been to the fair in years.  The kids all lost interest.  Lili was reading out events and I was scoffing at them all.  I was not interested in seeing antique tractors display their movement.  Haha.  If you've seen a giant squash and a cow before then there isn't really much to see.  I do enjoy seeing the quilts though.

So we ventured out in the rain.
They did NOT have deep fried Snickers.
I did go complain at the office.  They did not offer us a refund.

We had mini donuts instead.
We did the whole thing in an hour.

The height of sad wilted sunflowers was impressive.

There were two full barns of quilts!

Baby pigs looking for homes.

Cows taller than Lili.

And we made it in time to see the antique tractors doing their things.  Haha.  We're likely good to skip the next few years.  At least I got to spend an evening with my girl :)