
Our family.

Sunday, September 8, 2024

Second Beach


The trail from the China Beach Campground goes to Second Beach.  Not China Beach.  That's always been confusing to me.  Anyways.  We've never gone to Second Beach before.  The trail says 1km and started out fun.

Then it was getting to be a lot of stairs.  Once again I was questioning if anything is worth this many stairs. 

Eric counted 247.  I have no clue.  Seemed more like 1000.

Eric explored.  I sat.
I had pitch on three fingers so was basically imobilized.  Crippled by the ick and stench. Eric brought me wet sand and I scrubbed for a half hour until I could function again.

Was it worth the hike?
Not really. Unless you want privacy.
China Beach is just around the corner, there were more people there, it's a bigger bay.  

There was a shell art display on the way down so I said we should bring a shell up to add on the way back.  Eric went his extra mile and collected 7 that stack together.  Haha.  We miss having little kids.

Adding his bit to the masterpiece.

We had a great couple days.  
We explored the Sooke Potholes on the way home.  They had fire there this year and we were told the campground is set to reopen in the spring.

While we were away Mom came to get the boys to ride the train but she ended up with all five kids.  She brought a new friend.  They explored the museum and had lunch out.  And, none of them took a single picture.  Weird right?!

It was odd to come home to an empty house.  We dealt with our camping mess in peace and quiet.  

If the weather stays this nice I sure hope we can get more camping in.