
Our family.

Monday, September 16, 2024

Winter Prep


It starts.  Crazy mans busy season.  Time to close it all up.  

In his attempt to clean the back deck roofing  (Re: neighbors disastrous wood chipping) the roofing was damaged.  Patching hasn't worked.  Last week during a storm the water was just pouring in.  Which made sitting in the hot tub a bit dismaying.  Dirty cold roof water falling on our heads.  Ew.

Lili and I are aware that complaining about getting wet while in the hot tub is weird.

So, the deck is being closed a bit earlier than normal so he can put up new roofing panels.  Sigh.  Another not fun expense.  

Yesterday we stocked up on super fun things, toilet paper, kitty litter and cleaning supplies.  Who knew adulting would be so fun, and then stay fun with never ending chores forever.
Hard at work.
The no screens before lunch works in some ways but not in others.  I like to head out after lunch for walks, exploring etc but this is now when they get their phones so they always choose to stay home.  I could insist they join us but it's more fun when they want to come. I really shouldn't have to force fun, or what my perception of fun is anyways.

She's looking all tough now.  I made a comment about how tall it was when the tires were off and Eric was excited for a second when he thought I wanted a lift kit installed.  Haha. It is weird getting into low cars now.  Sort of like falling in.

He took a week off from the squiggles but he's back at it.
Lili went with some friends to the Autumn Moon Festival event at Sutton Maffeo park on Saturday.  She's raving this event.
My plan was to drag kids and join her but the couch and the pups beckoned and I didn't pull it together.  I had slight fomo but once she was sending updates the fomo got pretty big.  Mental note to add this to the must do list for next year.

We did pick up some groceries including moon cakes for our wee celebration on Tuesday. Today I'm packing myself up for my solo camping in Cheese.  Not entirely solo since the family is all coming for dinner and the walk and on the next night Eric is planning to feed the kids and join me for a pub dinner. 
We did a shop after dropping Jia at work on Sunday then took off for parts unknown.
We've tried a couple times to get from Mt Prevost to Mt Sicker.  We haven't found the route.  I suggested we try it backwards and work towards Mt Prevost.  It worked.  We found the route.  Nice, easy municiple and fsr roads, no 4 wheeling required.  We were overthinking it.  The route is down low, not at all where we were searching.  

In his happy place.
I asked him if money was no object what car he would buy.
He said he'd just rebuild Oscar with a hemi.  

Beautiful day for exploring.

We didn't find a lovely moutain vista in the sun for our snacks so the side of the road it was.

Isabel is having some rough days. Super hard to watch.

Back to work here.