
Our family.

Saturday, September 28, 2024

It's been quite a week.


Isabel arrived back home this morning.  Sob.  This has been such a hard week.  It's going to be another tearful day around here.  The week was really rough for some of the kids.  Eric and I haven't had time to properly grieve our girl.  Too busy holding the family together and upright. Holding the urn today was just horrific.  For a moment I considered packing it around all day like a crazy person.

Jia's therapist says I shouldn't say 'crazy person', it's someone with big feelings that have escalated.  Ok, so today I'm super escalated.

Fei is struggling big time with Isabel's passing.  It's really hard watching her pain.  She wants to make a video montage so I've been gathering pictures.  I've sent her 130 so far.  It's hard going through the photos.  My gawd we loved our Izzy.  She was just such a character and so amazing with  all of the kids and all of the critters.
And while I'm on the couch sobbing through this blog post I was listening to Coco discover a squeaky sound.  She has Izzy's toy today.  It's pretty cute to see her packing such a big toy.  Taking any seconds of joy I can.
I've never made it to the bay to see the sea lions before.  I decided yesterday that we were all getting out of the house together for a walk outside and dinner out.  Bright Angel and DQ. Then we dropped Jia and Kai at home and the rest of us drove out to see them.  

They were settling into bed.  Pretty quiet.  They're super stinky, even from a distance.  

I'm tempted to drive out this afternoon so I can hear them.  I've heard they're pretty chatty typically.

Jia having a driving lesson in the driveway at 14.  Haha.  It was scary for both of us.  Jia started school with Careers 10 but it quickly jumped to Careers 12 when her teacher learned she already had a job.  A part of Careers 12 is passing the learners test.  Which he did.  And he's now completed Careers 12.  Yay. The lawn took a hit during the lesson but he didn't hit anything.  Funny part, Fei watched the whole lesson live on the ring camera so she got a good laugh.
We need the laughs around here.  

Eric closed up the pool and he discovered that someone/something had totally attacked the pool skimmer. Wild.

Getting prepped for Halloween.  Hillarious.

Eric had to stop and kick some tires. Not interested in the car, just the goodies added onto it.  He wants metal bumpers and a winch.  I want a soft top.  I'm saving pennies for both of us. JEEP - stands for just empty every pocket.
And closing out todays post with this one.  Yup.  Covid is back at our house again.  Lili has been sick for over a week.  She was thinking a cold but this morning she could only taste salty so tested.  Arg.  Luk is starting.  We're watching everyone else.  

Lili did admit after the test that her symptoms have been worse than she was reporting.  Not surprising.  She is a horrible sick person, like mansick bad so I had assumed she was just being dramatic.

I had so many plans for this long weekend.  Feeling deflated, escalated and a little dismayed at just staying home.  

Fei, Jia and Luk are still sleeping.  Lili has take  her germs to her room.  Kai is playing with lego, which means Eric is playing with lego ;)  I'm on the couch with the Chihuahuas.  Eric was up early today making cabbage rolls.  They were for dinner with Shannon and Ken tomorrow but I've let them know to avoid this house so I guess we feast alone on cabbage rolls tonight.