
Our family.

Thursday, September 19, 2024

This car though.

My neighbor in the bay had an old moho and this ugly car.  Judgemental much.  Haha.  People were assuming it was mine because of the way Eric parked Cheese (so I could see the ocean) and how they parked. As a Jeep girl this was a hard one. I didn't have a car with me for my alone time.  I was making sure I couldn't go run errands or head home for the myriad of reasons I was likely to come up with.
This morning Eric just shoved Cheese over manually to hook up.  The beauty of the extreme light weight unit.

I was up ready and packed when he showed up today with a London Fog for me and coffee for him. He set up our chairs in the sun and we enjoyed watching the tide change from coming in to going out before we dragged Cheese home, woke Jia, did some work, helped Jia get a homework assignment done (ok, I just did it for him) took Jia to school went to Duncan Auto, Canadian Tire, lunch and did a big Walmart shop.  Home while Eric unloaded and I worked before heading back out to pick up the boys and then Jia.  Phew. 

Mom texted me today, and why yes, we DO think we're very funny. Enjoy.

Mom: How was dinner last night? How was your sleep?

Me: Sleep was great.  Dinner was good.  Walked back before dark.  Eric kissed me at the door and went home.  Haha.  I was in bed by 8.

Mom: So the date went well! Think you will see him again?

Me: Considering it. He did ask if we could go dutch. That was a bit of a red flag. Also, he has too many kids.

Mom: Move slowly:) He seems very nice.

You guys!! Gasp.  It's completely nuts how thrilled I am about this.
I could bore you with the trials of trying to buy/order carry on size suitcases in 7 different colors, but it's long, stupid, frustrating and so so so boring.  It was a long haul search.  Including cancelled orders for suspicious ordering with Amazon.  Haha.  These came from Temu and had to come as 7 different orders and shockingly they have all arrived!

They are the family xmas gift.  Fei and I saw people get off a bus in June with the same cases in different colors and the idea was born.  Now I'm picturing getting the family to pose like they're on a crosswalk doing the Beattles walk with the cases beside them.  What are the odds of getting that to happen?!

The colors are in age order from back to front Shelley/violet, Eric/dark teal, Lili/green, Fei/beige, Jia/black, Kai/orange and Luk/blue. 

Kai is loving applied science so much that he gets to go twice a day.  The new school program is totally working for him.  He has been doing his squiggles daily at school.  We had a long chat with his teacher today.  He agrees it's facinating.  They're all enthralled there.  They also think there should be a way to sell them.  I suggested an art show when he hits 50 of them.  Then the teacher recalled an old House episode where a boy with autism was drawing lines over and over again because he was non verbal but he could see the moving lines caused by parasites in his eyes.  Uh.  Yuk.  No!  More to worry about.  Add this to my list of questions for the Doctors.  Yeesh.