
Our family.

Wednesday, September 18, 2024

Morning vibes.


Gorgeous day in the bay.
I need to do this more often.
The alone part is super weird but sort of ok too.  I do keep reverting to looking at the time and trying to figure who needs to be where and what I need to do to make it happen.  With lots of reminders to self to take one day off ;)
Busy day here doing very little.
I'm thinking this beauty duck can go on our next cruise door.

I did four Cheese tours today.  Haha.  For an old wreck it sure garners attention.  One lady was a photographer and she gasped when she saw inside and asked if she could take photos.  She took a lot.  Then asked how much I wanted for it.  Uh...NO, not today.

I was outside all day.  I got chilled as the sun left the bay and came in to huddle under a blankie.  Eric came early and Mom and Leslie came for a visit which was nice.  Wecsat around the wee fire. Then Eric and I wondered up to the pub for dinner.  Food was great.  We walked back,  Eric packed up the outside stuff and said goodbye.  I'm in jammies in bed at 8!  Off to play games on my phone and watch a movie.  

My alone time ends soon. Eric is picking me up after he drops the boys at school.  

I need to do this more often.