
Our family.

Tuesday, August 11, 2020

Back to Getting Ready

Dollarama haul.  We had two carts full.  She was trying to stay present. Clearly I'm still having more fun with the shopping.  She leaves in 21 days. 

Lili is on a third trial of contacts. Finally going a bit better this round.  She was really starting to feel they weren't going to work for her.

Also on the shopping front Fei has begun the grad gown hunt. Sigh. No break. At least she's excited about the shopping part so that's fun.  I do fear she will want to try them ALL on.  She has no starting point, no preferred style, color or fabric.  She hates making decisions so fingers crossed for a love at first sight moment. In the days of covid she needs an appointment and only one guest. 
This never really gets old.  Albi was over to see Eric, the rest of us scored a treat on a hot afternoon. I was nearing the end of a second day of laying down, the treat was appreciated. Two days off had me feeling near perfect again. Waste of a weekend and it kills me to lay down and ignore the thousands of things that need to be done. It also meant a pretty busy Monday/flex day trying to catch up.
This sweet girl though.  Haha. Still jumps right in, she just can't resist boxes and baskets.

Today I let Luk sort his clothing and put them away. We've tried in the past but now he's finally able to get it neat enough for me ;) Jia moans about the job, Luk was thrilled. Pretty much sums up their personalities. Kai hovered around looking fearful that I'd ask him to do his own. I asked Luk if he wanted to do Kai's too and he was happy to.  He had Kai carry a pile to their room, he then sorted and put it away while Kai rolled around on his bed half watching. He did thank Luk emphatically. Love it.