
Our family.

Thursday, August 13, 2020

Cutest Car for Moi

Eric test drove today and brought it to the office for me to see.  Pontiac G6T, 2007. I love it already. It has high kms and a couple minor marks and it needs a bit of monkey wrenching.  But asking is $7888 and the deal is for $3700 so we're pretty pleased.  Soooo fun!!  I can't wait. No clue how I'll sleep tonight. I'm going in tomorrow to pay and insure.  Eric promises he isn't burdened. His friend was laughing and saying I likely wouldn't put many kms on it.  Eric and I looked at each other and laughed out loud.  I did sooo many road trips and put on way more kms than normal on the Sebring. 

Eric is taking Kai to the eye specialist in Victoria and once the other kids heard lunch out they all decided to go.  Looks like they get their Spaghetti Factory after all.  Without me there they can all sit together.  I was hoping to galavant in the convertible this weekend but Eric says no, not yet, mechanical first.  But...summer...almost over.  This one has a hard top and a real glass back window! 

Update...realizing Eric can't take Luk and Jia with him to Kai's appt. re covid. So now they are coming to work with me and Eric is bringing them their browned butter/mizithra pasta home. Another late night logistics meeting. Filled with lots of work drama and scheduling issues with the Rock Cod. Luk and Jia could be with Lili and Fei while they shop except none of them really wants that scenario.  

Eric and I did a Walmart/Superstore run tonight. Stocked up on supplies for Lili's suite. Also fun.  

Now, home, exhausted.  Snack and bed for this girl.