This is the only thing the boys fight about these days. Kai isn't great at taking turns in general, he cries if he's not 1st, he cries when his turn is over. He glares when it's someone else's turn. Four and half years of constant, daily reminders about turns. We still have a lot of work ahead of us. Ultimately the tv fight has nothing to do with shows and all about the control and turns.

Our family.
Thursday, August 13, 2020
TV drama.
In an effort to get Kai and the fighting and tears under control regarding the tv. I told both boys this morning that I have no problem getting rid of the TV entirely. I listed off all the things they can do in a day, read, color, draw, puzzles, games, lego, paint, play-doh, sand, go outside, wii, read, go outside and read and go outside. Then told them any more fights, even one and the tv would be unplugged. Kai now controls the tv until lunch time and Luk controls after lunch. Taking turns isn't working. We shall see. Kai doesn't love this plan. Honestly getting 100% of the choice would be the only solution acceptable to him. He glared at Luk when I said it was all Luk's choice after lunch. Kai has a tendency to push for lunch when it's not served right at 12. We'll see how this goes today. I predict this will carry on until I take tv away. Then Kai's behavior will plummet. The obvious solution would be to separate the boys but they gravitate no matter what. I still don't love Kai in the living room. He simply does NOT know how to sit on furniture. He rolls, jumps, lays upside down with feet on the walls, moves furniture and annoys the heck out of all of us.