
Our family.

Monday, August 17, 2020

I'm soooo techy today.

Lili and Fei have this thingy in their cars. They can play their music from their Playlists on their phone through the car sound system.  A Bluetooth FM Transmitter.

I don't even have a Playlist. No time for music.  But...convertible...need better tunes for cruising.  So I have a Google music account with Alexa that I pay for. I don't know who ordered it but I do find it amusing to have Alexa play anything for me when I'm in the kitchen. Plus super fun to annoy the kids with oldies that I can sing along with. So, without bothering Lili and Fei,  I inquired with Google what and how to make a playlist.  Loaded the app suggested, it was already set up for me.  Easy, peasy to load some songs. Ordered this dohicky on my one touch shopping with Amazon Prime on Saturday and it just arrived.  I haven't tried it yet but the girls work great so I'm confident.  So, yes, feeling quite techy today. The girls made Eric a Playlist on his phone.  I think I should order him one of these things too.  

So if you hear Wild by John Legend playing super loud it's just me cruising by. 

Update: works fabulously! Super easy.