
Our family.

Sunday, August 30, 2020

Just Us Again

Eric went to the mainland to 
meet friends with their new trailer to help with their first towing experience.  And he took a selfie!  
Shannon took these four to play at Wildplay. Jia is keen to go again!
These 3 were great together. 
Adult patio time!
So fun to have a toddler around again. Silas.  He is super busy and so cute.
Missing Kai, he was bawling so I sent him back in the house.  No one knows why he was crying this time.  It's at the point that none of us care so much. Honestly he cries so often these days that we're all done with this phase. Please tell me it's a phase.  
Mary met a puppy. Pure joy of holding the baby for a bit ;) 
This never gets old.
The Mom's got out for a windy drive and dinner.  In a pub.  Rare.  Fun. 
Our view.
And at the end of the party we all checked our blood pressure?!  Old fart parties?

I didn't take many pictures.  Way too busy around here. Blessed to have friends join us in the chaos.