
Our family.

Friday, May 20, 2022


I went to bed early.  Now I'm up at 12:30. The house smells like cake but I yelled down to ask if there was cake and Lili phoned to say no. So the sniffer isn't working.

The farmer cut his field today. Haying day is always rough for my allergies. Now paranoid ol' me is convinced I have covid. Could be allergies.  Ahhh.  Hate freaking covid.

The decision was made for five of us to leave for camping tomorrow.  I might be stuck back at covid house. But this means Mr won't be here to bring me trays of food while I'm convalescent. 

I did get an online grocery order spot for tomorrow afternoon.  I have Luk supplies packed.  Just need clothing gathered.

Did I mention we lost another tree in the storm?  The picture is Eric's car and trailer. He took two loads of tree to the dump.  We don't have enough trees to be losing them. Mom had one blow over at her new place too.  Eric was wiped out today. He was on the go all day. He's up still doing laundry. Long days.