
Our family.

Friday, June 16, 2023

Boys Eye Appointment

Usually Eric takes Kai to his appointments.  I booked a different Dr today because testing Kai for a prescription is difficult and we wanted to see if someone else could get it better.  Kai takes his glasses off constantly and is always looking over the top so we're certain they aren't helping.  Sadly today wasn't any different and in the end the Dr gave him a prescription close to what he already has.  We ordered a new pair without transitions, fingers crossed that helps.

He was extremely dramatic in there, lots of tears.  Not following directions.  Zero clue how to answer on the chart.  Pictograms of a plane, man on a horse, chick, open hand and a cake.  He saw the one giant plane.  Every single other picture he guessed wrong.  There is no way to know if he really couldn't see them or he didn't have the words to describe them.  He kept says things were tornados but he had a cheeky grin so I think he just liked using a new word.  The Dr is Chinese and I had to interpret his words to Kai and then Kai's to the Dr.  Phew.  The plan was for Eric to go in with him but he was driving Jia to work so I had to do it.  Overall, I'm pretty dismayed, a bit embarrassed and super scared for Kai.  His vision is really going fast.
Luk went in on his own.  His vision is 20/20.  I did get called in after.  His eye pressure is at the maximum.  His veins are all crossed.  He's sending a letter to his Pediatrician to check his blood pressure and cholesterol and a referral to the same eye specialist Kai and Jia see.  I asked if the hydrocephalus could cause pressure from behind.  He was a firm no.  I do know in dogs that is definitely a thing.  More to worry about.
Fei got her first credit card today.  Then we went out for lunch before picking up the boys.

I glad it's the weekend.  The to do list is long before Luk and I leave on Monday.