
Our family.

Thursday, June 15, 2023

Jia's last day of grade 8.

I'm pretty sure Jia was a tad nervous of this last meeting with her teacher.  Haha.  She really wasn't positive she'd done enough projects.  He was pleased with her work.  We chatted about goals for next year since he'll be her teacher again.  Apparently she excels in reading and writing.  She did a math test a couple weeks ago and with what we covered here she had a firm grasp of grade 8.  That was shocking to me.  Haha.  We worked damn hard at that.  The little felted whales were a class project they got to take home.  Her teacher did one too ;)  We told him she just got a job at The Rock Cod and he wrote that down to fill in her careers section that was still blank.  She is all happy to have summer off.  Looks to us like with the lackadaisical home schooling she's already had a whole year off!  However, she is happy.  That was the ultimate goal.  
The girls desperately needed a grooming.  Eric doesn't love this job but I asked nicely so he held them for the better part of an hour while I cut.  I'm getting better.  Still a hack job but better.  Sassy needed lots of cuddles to get through it all.  She had her first shower and it went well.  She wandered around at my feet.  As much as Eric has a hard time settling down to this job he did grab her out of the shower wrapped her in a towel and craddled her like a baby and did the baby rock with her with talking to her while I finished up my shower.  He's not such a big tough guy.  Haha.  

Shockingly, Finn didn't fight his toenails being cut.  ?  Coco was just a doll as usual, she just likes any attention.
Showing off their fresh new looks to Fei.  

I did go to the Endocrinologist appt on Tuesday.  She was nice.  The physical was fine.  No issues other than high A1C.  I don't see her again until the end of Sept.  The teaching session was extremely lame. Apparently I'm way overthinking things. It was so basic and basically just asked if we had questions.  He couldn't answer any of mine. Had no interest in discussing diet.  Eric had good questions re the medication and application but I already knew the answers from the info sent from the Dr to my email.  I'm hoping the clinic in Duncan will be more helpful.  There was some funny stuff, they wanted an average blood pressure so I dutifully took my blood pressure 4 times a day for a week, even at Sproat Lake.  Then they sat me in a dark closet for half an hour to do 10 tests for an average.  Uh, you don't leave brains like mine in quiet, dark places.  That's too much freedom for the brain.  I ended up on my phone multi tasking with returning texts and emails.  Blood pressure was still fine.  

I'm supposed to get news about the biopsy tomorrow morning.  Three weeks is a long time to wait.  Again, too long for the mind to wonder.  I have stayed stupid busy so that has definitely helped.  Now I'm just dreading the morning appointment. Even more difficult after a close friend received bad news from her biopsy a couple days ago.  

Lili, Fei, Jia, Mom and I are going to the Big Gay Dog Walk in Victoria.  I bought flags, Sassy and Coco are going and wearing little angel wings in their stroller.  We just realized last night that we're camping in Gordon Bay the same night. So, now Eric and the boys will go the first night and Jia and I will join them.  Unless Jia works.  The calendar isn't pretty.  

I can not wait for some lazy days of summer!

Oh, funny start to my day.  I couldn't find my glasses when I woke up.  They weren't in their spot.  I had to enlist Eric to help because looking while not able to see is hard.  He stripped the bed and went all over, around and underneath.  I found them a half hour later at my desk.  Yup, I checked the calendar last night before bed.  Today's square was blank so I'm at my desk today.  I was thinking it was a good thing the boys have eye appointments tomorrow because I was going to have to reorder my pair. Phew.