
Our family.

Saturday, June 24, 2023

The next day.

Christine came to visit this morning.  We had a nice catch up.  Coco took a while to let her guard down but trusted enough to nap beside her.
Sassy stayed awake and beside me :)
Then Mom was over and Poppy tried out the cool dog bag I found at the thrift store.
Coco went full nap mode 😴 
Eric, Mom and I went house hunting for her.  This new development is pretty nice little patio homes, single garages with really small yards.  Might be better suited to her than where she is now.  We analyzed them all and picked the best one.  Haha.  They aren't built yet and we don't know the plans but based on Eric telling us where things will be by the foundations we think we picked the best one.  

Fei was out with friends last night.  She's not home yet.  Lili is working all day.  The other 3 are being super quiet.  Kai just had a good long nap.  Not much going on here for a bit. Phew.   
Yesterday after we left Fei with her friends we stopped to visit Albi.
Penny and Haley had the same idea so we scored a bonus visit.  Lili and Haley hadn't visited in two years so this was fun.
So good to see them together.  

We ran a few errands and while we were picking up groceries we got a text from Mary and Charles asking us to join them for happy hour so we dropped Lili and the van full of groceries at home, jumped in the Jeep and took off for the evening.  Which was spontaneously a bit crazy.  I don't think I've ever gone to Nanaimo twice in one day before.