
Our family.

Friday, June 2, 2023

So relaxing.

Our site is lovely.
I slept 6 1/2 hours in a row!  Unheard of. Must have been seriously exhausted.
Morning walk to the lake.
Just so peaceful. We're hoping the weather holds so we can bring the picnic blankie and snacks tomorrow.  Really wishing we were kayaking.  It is what it is.
The hike was a bit more than leisurely and it's definitely irritating for my wound but the bleeding has stopped today.
We kicked more Jeep tires.  I'm leaning towards having Eric rebuild the motor if the day ever comes.  Haha.
Lunch in our happy place at the harbour.
Naps after lunch.  Then we found a sugar free ice cream bar for me :)
We drove around and checked out neighborhoods.  Again.  It's fun.  We aren't moving.  It's good to have goals for retirement though. 
My favorite Walmart and they had cherries!  It will be a feast tonight.  We're headed back to the campsite. Limited service and barely any data but texting seems to work.