
Our family.

Tuesday, January 4, 2022

Fei's first clinic.

She's so cute.  Her first day working with people!  The roads are a disaster so Lili is driving her today.  Lili has four classes but three are delayed so she just has one online that she can do at her leisure.  She has a lot of free time this week. Update: she liked the teacher, enjoyed the facility, sounded happy about going back tomorrow.  

Jia has been begging for homeschool for half of grade 6 and all of grade 7. Since I'm home and she is struggling emotionally we've relented. I applied to the Grove for her but we don't know if they have space available.  Aside from that we don't have much of a game plan.  I wish we could say telling her she doesn't have to go back to Alex Aitken relieved some of her anxiety but so far we don't see evidence of that.  Just more and more questions.  We're going to be in flux for a while.  I keep thinking she'll panic at the unknown and relent to going back but she says she is happy to be all done there. She isn't struggling scholastically.  She is wounded from constant bullying.  Some of it racial.  Some of it mean girl stuff.  Yes, the school knows.  No, they don't seem equipped to fix it.  It's a huge topic.  Eric and I are optimistically hoping change will help.  

Today I'm trying to get the plan for Luk underway.  Apparently his 'surgery' room was canceled so now he's having his 'procedure' in interventional radiology.  Just a few days at Children's.  The BC housing program through Variety is closed re covid.  All by email now. I did get through and heard back, I was able to send all the onfo they needed for booking.  Easter Seal House and Ronald McDonald's House are at reduced capacity and only taking longer stay families.  Pretty sure it will be a hotel again.  

Eric has called a LOT of people about a new furnace.  I'm not convinced we need one versus a repair but he likes the idea of a new system with a combo hot water boiler.  He's been reading extensively on different systems.  Someone called him back today talking about what Eric perceives to be the better unit.  He was happy to finally find someone local on the same page and willing to come have a look.  Our furnace was put in here 29 years ago and it was used.  So we don't really know how old it actually is. 

Life feels like a serious list of problems to deal with.  With no real fun breaking up the chores.