
Our family.

Thursday, January 20, 2022

He's in O.R.

We came early and scored 2nd best parking spot here.  Then sat in the car listening to the radio.
Checked into a picu room for the hour and a half pre-op.
The numbing gel didn't really work and we had a failed needle attempt by the assistant anesthesiologist.  He wasn't thrilled.
Breaking my heart here. Nerves getting the best of him for a bit.
Attempting to warm him up.  This floor is crazy cold.  The O.R. was freezing.  I have no idea why.
Seconds away from being wheeled to surgery.

He was sooo brave.  The 
anesthesiologist got the needle in super fast.  There were tears.  I barely held it together. The meds went in and he was asleep in seconds.  The surgeon isn't the one we met online.  New guy seemed nice, Dr Ho. 

We met lots of people and answered tons of questions.  Over and over again.  He was so patient.  Until the end when the last one to go through the safety protocols added the question not previously asked "does he have any make up on".  He glared at her and said "I   DO    NOT    WEAR    MAKEUP!".  

I got to stay with him until he was out.  The O.R. was amazing.  Unlike anything I've ever seen in life or on TV.  

Procedure was an hour.  I had time to go the washroom and cry for a bit then go get lunch from Starbucks.  

There was another Mom in the bathroom bawling.  Solidarity.  What a bizarre world Children's is.  

Luk is doing great!  He looks good.  Everyone is shocked at how calm he is.  He's in pain.  They've given him all they can.  We're settling him into the hospital and changing care teams. They're off discussing orders and pain protocol.  He has a bag and we weren't expecting that.  I haven't had a debrief from the surgeon yet.  So many questions now.  The hard part is done!  Luk keeps asking if he's done :) He seems shocked that it's all over but understandably dismayed at the bag.
Settling in.  He ordered butter chicken for dinner.  Really good spirits now that the pain meds are helping.  He's watching the Simpsons.  Haha.  Normally not allowed but we watched it together in the hotel two nights in a row.  Might become a favorite.  

The pain got quite a bit worse around 5. We had no clue of he had gas from the surgery, had eaten too much too fast or had actual surgical site pain.  Luk isn't familiar with pain and he is paralyzed so that complicates things. Some morphine and an extra dose of Tylenol took the edge off.  Phew.  

Jia called and had him laughing too hard.  Laughing hurts.  

It was a super long day.  He was settled for bed at 8:30.  I thought he was asleep and I was slipping out but he waved and said 'night mom, love you, see you in the morning'.  Sigh.  Such a sweet kid. 

I'm at the hotel, stopped by Tim's drive through for a late dinner.  Hoping to get some sleep.  The plan is to head back early morning and just stay there until we get to go home.  Be that a day or a week?  It's extremely uncomfortable there but leaving him there was also super uncomfortable.