
Our family.

Wednesday, January 26, 2022

Isabel is 12!

Missy had lots of treats yesterday on her Birthday.  It's hard to celebrate her being elderly. 

I had a long call from the ostomy nurse from Children's.  We're setting up an appointment to coincide with his spinal cord clinic appt on Feb 10.  In the meantime we're able to just keep flushing.  I didn't have enough supplies to get past Thursday.  I was told there was a community ostomy nurse.  Now I've been told that's not true.  I called 9 pharmacies and 3 medical supply places. With very little luck.  One pharmacy was able to order saline vials and we picked them up today.  Superstore was the only place in town I could find saline in a half litre.  Minor panic.  We assumed these would by normal supplies! No one has end caps so we're going to have to sterilize the four we have left here.  Children's wanted them changed daily.  

This morning I just ordered 10 litres from Walmart to be delivered.  But that is only a 50 day supply.  I've been told the delivery system we have for Luk's supplies likely has what we need but it will take time to set that up and I'm not certain they have what we need yet.

I'm sure there are easier ways to find supplies we just haven't found it yet.

Also, I was under the impression that the cecostomy had an attachment that was being removed. Then learned yesterday that the whole thing is temporary and in six weeks we're back to have it replaced.  The picture below was sent for me to show Luk.  The cecostomy tube goes into the Cecum.